Monday, January 20, 2014



One could argue Disney's true claim to fame was due to the film and character Cinderella, which has seen countless film spinoffs including a musical. The timeless tale of an orphaned girl raised by her wicked stepmother and abused by her ugly stepsisters, who dreams of attending the prince's ball, and her dream comes true with the help of a fairy godmother and a host of beloved animals.

Ironically enough, Cinderella may be one of my least favorite of the Disney princesses. Like all princesses, there are pros and cons, but I find the cons outweigh the pros in the Disney version of Cinderella. 

Pro #1
Cinderella has Hope

"No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true."

Despite her tragic situation, Cinderella never loses hope. On a day to day basis, she rises early and finds something to be happy about and remains steadfast in her belief that her dreams will come true.

Cinderella is Industrious

Cinderella knows how to roll up her sleeves and get down and dirty. When you live with the world's laziest people and you're in charge of all the chores, you learn the essence of hard work.


More than any other person, Cinderella would have the right and satisfaction of getting revenge on her wicked stepsisters. Instead, she forgives them. Again, we see a theme with Disney where revenge is not worth it. Cinderella could have easily put them to death, but she chooses forgiveness.

Cinderella is Positive

Cinderella has a good attitude. Though she is treated poorly, she remains thoughtful and kind. She doesn't complain.

And now for the cons...

Cinderella is a Pushover

Cinderella never stands up for herself. Unlike some of the other princesses, she never speaks her mind, and she never tries to leave her negative situation. Technically, the house belonged to her father, and shouldn't Cinderella stand to inherit? In any case, she remains in an abusive situation and never tries to leave.

Cinderella's Poor Choice in a Man

Her relationship with Prince Charming is quite shallow. By the time Cinderella arrives, he has yawned his way through hundreds of girls. This film sends the message that beauty matters the most to this man. Cinderella has one dance with him, and already she's fallen in love with him. If Cinderella came to the ball in her rags as a scullery maid, no doubt he would have yawned just like he did with all the other girls. He never even asks Cinderella's name, he is the most passive of all the Disney men, and he sends a servant to find the girl of his dreams without bothering to look for her himself.

Her Fairy Godmother has Poor Timing

Cinderella's fairy godmother shows up just to give her a beautiful dress and whisk her off to the ball. However, there were far more important times in Cinderella's life the godmother could have chosen such as when Cinderella's father died or when Cinderella's stepmother began her cycle of abuse. But obviously it was more important to this godmother that Cinderella have one night of fun than to have some moral support during her darkest times.

Cinderella is Too Naive and Oblivious

There is nothing wrong with a little naiveity, but Cinderella takes it to extremes. After a lifetime of living with Lady Tremaine, Cinderella seems completely astonished that her stepmother locks her up in the attic after they all learn of the king's proclamation. Just before this, Cinderella drifted onto Cloud 9 and began singing absentmindedly to herself while not bothering to look behind to see if her stepmother was following her. She completely let her guard down and gave herself away.

Cinderella is a Contradiction

Though Cinderella is the hardest of workers, when she is locked up in the attic, she sends the poor little mice to get a key, which easily weighs a lot, and they must carry it up flights of stairs to her. Why is she not more proactive? She could try any number of things to escape from that little room, but she depends on these little guys instead of taking the bull by the horns and solving her own problem, which she basically caused - see Con#4. 

Cinderella Trivia

  • For anyone who has ever wondered what Cinderella's shoe size is - wonder no more. Size 4 1/2. 
  • Cinderella has become the iconic leader of the Disney princesses, often placed in the center of the photographs.
  • Cinderella was introduced 13 years after Snow White.
  • The glass slippers were symbolic that Cinderella was so delicate, she could walk in glass shoes and not break them.
  • In the original tale, we never learn Cinderella's real name. Cinderella was a spiteful name dubbed by the younger stepsister while the older called her Cinder-clod
  • Cinderella never had any animal friends
  • In the original story, Cinderella spent time with her stepsisters at the ball, and they didn't recognize her
  • Cinderella is the second oldest Disney princess, 19 years old
  • Cinderella's hair has appeared to be different colors from the original as a light ginger to a bright, vivid blonde
Would I let my daughter watch Cinderella? 
Sure, but she'll know that I like other princesses better

My Favorite Cinderella Spinoff

Danielle de Barbarac is the best Cinderella I have yet to find in a pool of poor Cinderella films and adaptations. Her relationship with the Prince is well developed, and she draws his attention not simply from her beauty but most from her spirit and her desire to help people. Danielle is headstrong, stubborn, and sharp witted, and she bears a lot, but realistically she is an emotional creature, and we can see when her last thread has snapped like in the video below after Marguerite has insulted Danielle's mother. Who can forget this scene? 

It's much easier to get a handle on the reason behind Rodmilla's (the stepmother) cruelty. Her ultimate motivation was jealousy of Danielle and how her father's dying breath was used to express his love for his daughter and not his recent wife. Toward the end of the movie, we learn Danielle's greatest wish was for her stepmother as well as Rodmilla's reaction to it. 

Danielle: Was there a time, even in its smallest measurement that you loved me at all? 

Rodmilla: How can anyone love a pebble in their shoe? 

Rodmilla was a worse stepmother to Danielle than Lady Tremaine was to Cinderella, going so far as to sell Danielle to an older man who sexually harassed her. And the surprise comes in the end when Danielle, as a princess, chooses to speak for Rodmilla and extends compassion by stating: All I ask, Your Majesties, is that you show her the same courtesy that she has bestowed upon me. 

And who can forget Leonardo da Vinci and all his amazing quotes? 

Leonardo da Vinci: 

I know that a life without love is no life at all. 

I shall leave walking on water to the Son of God. Fortunately, I tripped over an angel. 

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